Setting Up a Website with Vagrant and CentOS


3 min read


In my learning path of DevOps, today I delved into the realm of setting up a website using Vagrant and CentOS. As the digital landscape evolves, the ability to swiftly deploy and manage development environments becomes increasingly crucial for efficient software development. Vagrant, a tool that streamlines this process by automating the setup of virtual machines, coupled with the reliability and robustness of CentOS, a popular Linux distribution. Let's dive into the steps I explored today in bringing a website to life within this environment.


  • Vagrant installed in your system

  • Basic understanding of the CLI (Command Line Interface)

  • Hypervisor like VirtualBox and VMware installed

Setting up Vagrant with Centos

Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it

Now, initialize a new Vagrant environment with a CentOS box

Configuration of VM

Once done open the vagrant file either in the VIM editor or in any editor of your choice

Uncommand all the necessary configuration and edit the Vagrantfile based on your requirements

Start the VM

Use the below command to start the VM

vagrant up

Connect to the Virtual Machine

Use the below command to connect to the VM

vagrant ssh

Setup Web Server

Install the necessary packages

yum install httpd vim unzip zip -y

Once installed start and enable the service of webserver

systemctl start httpd

The above command will start the service but if the system is rebooted then the service will turf off automatically in order to prevent this we will be enabling it so that it will turn on automatically after rebooting

To enable the service

systemctl enable httpd

Once the above step is done if we access the website using http://systemip we will get a page like this

Now the content of the webpage must be put in the directory /var/www/html to get reflected in the website

Downloading a HTML template

Go to and get the link of download file of your favorite html template and unzip those files

In order to get the zip file link open your favorite template and then press F12 key and navigate to the network section

Press the download button and cancel the download pop up to get the link of the zip file

Navigate to temporary directory by

cd /tmp/

copy the link and use the below command to download the zip file in our centos VM in my case i have download a barista cafe html template


Setting up the website

Now to unzip the zip file use the below command


Now get into the directory

cd 2137_barista_cafe/

List all the files by ls command

Now as discussed earlier we have to store the content in the /var/www/html/ directory for it to get reflected in the website.

So we have to copy all the files to the /var/www/html directory

To copy file use the below command

cp -r * /var/www/html

-r -> This option is used to copy directories and their contents recursively.

* -> This option is used to copy all the files in this directory

Once copied it is necessary to restart the httpd service

systemctl restart httpd

Accessing the website

Once all the steps are done we can access our website by Systemip of VM (eg: http://192.168.**.**)


In this guide, we've covered the process of setting up a website using Vagrant and CentOS. By following these steps, you can quickly create a development environment for your web projects and start building and testing websites with ease. Vagrant's simplicity and flexibility make it an excellent choice for managing development environments, while CentOS provides a stable and reliable platform for hosting web applications.